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HypnoBirthing Testimonials

I had 5 private sessions with Eva from about month 5 of my pregnancy. At first, I was worried that I was a little late in learning how to hynobirth but with Eva’s help I soon got the hang of it. I found that there’s a lot of fear-based conversation between mums. It seems we have forgotten that birthing is entirely natural. Hypnobirthing reminds you of this. By practicing with Eva and putting the tools I had learned into practice on the day I can honestly say I look back with such warmth and calm. My active labour was a mere 2.5 hours. Having started my contractions around 4pm, our daughter was with us a little before 1am in the morning. Breathing properly whilst convulsing from adrenaline is certainly difficult but without the mindset that hypo-birthing helps you grow I strongly believe I wouldn’t have had the experience I did on the birth-day of our first child. Thank you Eva

Caroline and Fergus

In the end it was not necessary to proceed with induction because thanks to reflexology my labour was naturally activated and when I got there I had already started to dilate on my own. Due to the complications that I told you about not having amniotic fluid and not knowing why or since when, they put me on drips with antibiotics and continuous monitoring, lying down and without movement, which prevented me from having the birth in the water that I wanted. Likewise, until I dilated 9cm it was all natural thanks to hypnosis, visualizations and breathing, but when I thought the worst was over, Oliver began to suffer fetal distress with his heartbeat and the room was suddenly filled with doctors who tried to get him out As soon as possible, in the end Ollie arrived safely with us. It’s not the birth I always dreamed of, but incredibly, I stayed calm and collected throughout. I imagine that all the exercises we did helped to have that state of self-control. Thanks for everything Eva and here you have our little chick!

Ana and Giorgio

Other Testimonials

“Not only is Eva highly skilled and effective at what she does, but also a kind, approachable and compassionate listener. Eva was really prepared to go the extra mile to understand my situation and tailor her approach to really support my individual needs. The work I did with Eva prior to pregnancy was invaluable and I believe played a key role in my journey to motherhood. Since having my daughter I continue to apply many of the techniques I learnt from Eva.”


“I would highly recommend Eva!. She is very professional and great at what she does. After only few sessions, with her, now I feel more calm and confident in my job and in my life. Thank you, Eva”


“I came to Eva for insomnia, which came out of nowhere and was likely triggered by anxiety from work/family midlife changes. I had seen a couple specialists previously and decided to give Hypnotherapy a go. While I did not really think much happened during our first session, Eva sent me a lovely recording to listen to before bed every night and surprisingly after just that one session – and after not sleeping well for nearly a month – I had gotten 3 nights in a row of great sleep. I was really amazed at this result and was incredibly happy that – out of nowhere it seemed like – I was starting to get normal sleep again. In addition, Eva sent very thoughtful follow up emails and explained some other concepts which was incredibly thoughtful and generous of her. I would highly recommend just trying one session if you are curious, as it does not take much more to see changes”

Client wanted to remain anonymous (Finance job)

“Eva helped me unlocked some of my deep-rooted fears”

Eileen (creative art)

“I have been working with various hypnotherapists in the past, but by far the best I have ever seen is Eva. Whatever the issue I was dealing with, she always managed to help me work through it and really helped me with overcome a lot of fears and anxieties. I cannot recommend her enough and will certainly consult her again in the future”

Laura (finance sector)

“I went to Eve for tension reduction and her soothing sessions helped me go deep into the sensations of release. I would recommend her wholeheartedly and besides she is a very kind person” 

Jackie (retired)

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